The differences Between Stratification Theories of : Karl Mark, Gerhard Lenski, Max Webber

• Karl Marx and Max Weber disagreed on the meaning of social class in industrialized societies. According to Marx, people’s relationship to the means of production is the sole factor in determining their social class. They either belong to the bourgeoisie (those who owned the means of production) or the proletariat (those who work for the owners). According to Weber, Marx’s typology is too limiting since, in actuality, social class, as well as people’s social class standing, consists of three interrelated components: property, prestige, and power.
• Weber saw Marx’s two-class model simplistic. Instead, he thought social stratification involves three distinct dimensions of inequality. The first dimension is economic inequality—the issue so vital to Marx—which Weber called class position. Weber did not think of “classes” as crude categories but as a continuum ranging from high to low. Weber’s second dimension of social stratification is status, or social prestige, and the third is power. Weber’s view of social stratification in industrial societies as a multidimensional ranking rather than a hierarchy of clearly defined classes.
• Socioeconomic status (SES)-a composite ranking based on various dimensions of social inequality.
• Social stratification according to Weber is variable and complex.
Lenski coating theory is an attempt to unify the conflict and functionalism into a single entity within the framework of evolutionary theory. Departing from radical conflict theory postulates Lenski obtain hakiakat society, the use of coercion in Stratification systemand the degree to which social conflicts gave birth to the difference.
And conservative functionalism Lenski take a view on human nature and necessity of the existence of differences. Lenski trying to unify aspects of conservative and radical positions on how the rights and privilise obtained, and the role of the State in the stratification system
Power and Privilige is a study of the distribution system daritotalitas society in which Lenski try to answer the question: who got what and why?. In response causal relationship (kurvalinier) between technology and social structures maked, and stiffness stratification existing system.

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